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VBOA Show Sywell 2024 26 to 28 July Chat thread


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Numbers are picking up.....should be good

Current mk2 stock: 4 LXs: white c20xe, blue & red std, blue LX parts car, blue GLi, Richies Saabilier & monaro VXR

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV daily (joyous planet saver.....well carbon offset for the ro)

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Only a week to go now and the weather is looking good until fairly late on Sunday. So a dry one at last.
You can buy day or overnight tickets on the gate. BUT please tell us in advance in the join up thread and make sure your membership is up to date.

UPDATE Tuesday


Weather still looking good but with a chance of some light showers early Saturday evening.

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Following an incident last year the VBOA have hardened up the rules to which we have had to agree to. If you attend please ensure that you do.


VBOA National Rally 2024 – Conditions for clubs exhibiting.
The VBOA committee and all those involved with the organisation of the
national rally want the event to be well attended, welcoming and
friendly to all and to avoid any actions that cause alarm, harassment or
distress to individuals or endanger the safety of the site or other users.
To that end we have created this guidance which we would like you to share with your members and
reinforce with them whilst at the show.
Any verbal abuse of VBOA staff or volunteers will not be tolerated. If this happens, they will be
asked to leave the event and we will expect the club to deal with the member accordingly.
The area next to the showground at Sywell has a live runway, it is a criminal offence to cross onto
the runway or any area outside the showground, if any visitors to the show enter this area the
Police will be called and all of the party will be removed from site without further warning. The
barriers to the show area and between the show area and the motorsport area must not be
crossed. Any breaches of this nature have an implication for the entire show and therefore
individual clubs will be responsible for their members on site and must ensure compliance with
these regulations.
It should be noted that if it appears to the organisers that any exhibitor or club may be engaged in
activities which are deemed to be contrary to the best interests of the Show or which appear
unethical or to be in breach of the law, the VBOA Committee may, without being under any liability
to refund or abate any charges paid or due herein, cancel any space allocation which may have been
made to the exhibitor or club and require them forthwith to vacate the stand space allocated to them
and refuse the exhibitor or club the right to participate further in the show. This includes any
breaches of boundaries of the show and any behaviour that is deemed to endanger life, bullying or
harassment or put the VBOA’s insurance cover at risk.
1. Anti bullying and harassment statement
All club members, committee members and visitors to the show should be treated and treat
others with dignity and respect, they should be able to attend the show without fear or favour
and should treat fellow show attendees with dignity and respect, always considering whether
their words or conduct could be offensive. Even unintentional harassment or bullying is
2. Speed limit and car movements
The speed limit on site is 5mph at all times and all cars moving around the site must have their
hazard lights on, this is for the safety of all. Show opening hours are between 10am and 4pm
Saturday and Sunday and during that time car movements should be minimised, all
movements outside the stand should be accompanied by a banksman and extreme caution
must be exhibited when driving around the show or manoeuvring cars on the stands.
3. Stand boundaries and being a good neighbour
Stands have been organised this year to try and give enough space to facilitate social
distancing, please try and facilitate this both for your own members and also others coming
onto your stand, be a good neighbour to the stands next to yours and respect club’s space.
Your taste in music may not be the same as those around you and whilst we all love the sound
of car engines no one wants to be woken at 3am by the one next to their tent being revved,
employ moderation and thoughtfulness.
4. Follow and convey instructions from the organisers to your members on site
There have been incidents in previous years when there have been breaches of boundaries
or security, we are keen that no one is endangered, the show is not put at risk and we are
able to hold a COVID safe event so if there are specific areas of guidance, please pass these
on to the members on your stand and reinforce that they abide by any regulations on site.
5. Keep your stand tidy
There are volunteers undertaking every aspect of the management of this show so please
clear up litter on your stand, if you see litter in general areas then put it in a bin and if there
are refuse clearance problems that need to be addressed then please contact one of the
committee. All full waste bags should be put in the skips located on site.
6. Involve the children
Children (and teenagers) remain the responsibility of their adults whilst on site, please ensure
that they are involved with the show and can appreciate all that is going on at the show.
Please remember that there will be track action and vehicle movements and children will
need to be aware of the risks associated with moving around site and spectating the track

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  • GreyDJ2 changed the title to VBOA Show Sywell 2024 26 to 28 July Chat thread

Haven't been able to say this for a couple of years but the weather now looks to be warm and sunny for all three days.

We will have decent gazebos on the good size stand as well. Things are definitely looking up.

I am taking a collection of surplus parts. If anyone wants anything specific and big please let me know. I come every day from home.


I am also starting the process of selling my Cavalier.

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Packed, see you at 4pm Sywell

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Current mk2 stock: 4 LXs: white c20xe, blue & red std, blue LX parts car, blue GLi, Richies Saabilier & monaro VXR

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV daily (joyous planet saver.....well carbon offset for the ro)

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Looking forward to seeing you all there and enjoying the BBQ Saturday night!

we’re coming down in the morning in my mk3 as Orwin has decided he would like his coolant to be brown and frothy 🤦‍♂️🤣


See you all soon! 

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13 hours ago, Rich said:

Looking forward to seeing you all there and enjoying the BBQ Saturday night!

we’re coming down in the morning in my mk3 as Orwin has decided he would like his coolant to be brown and frothy 🤦‍♂️🤣


See you all soon! 

He had his HG done probably 2016, be interesting to see what it is! Enjoy the event all, gutted I can't attend this one due to being overseas at present.

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Well, that was my last gig as the VBOA rep for Mk2Cav.


One of the beneficial side effects of Covid was that it broke the sequence of 2/3 rep meetings a year at Vauxhall locations in Luton. Now it has settled down to 2 meetings a year online with Teams, making it much easier for those, unlike me living 20 miles up the road, who had to come very long distances. Like for example for Tony, our new rep, who lives down in Salisbury.


Now the show is over, VBOA has to endure what seems to be an annual ritual by Sywell management where they keep us on tenterhooks for a couple of months before they say if and when we can be there in 2025.


So ends the time in my life where for 15 years I was on our stand 3 days a year, or 4 when set up was a Thursday but never overnight!


Lots of good memories and friends created.

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My last act as rep is to ask any of you who went to the VBOA show this last weekend  to post here any comments you have about your experience. The good are as welcome as any criticisms.


This will give our new rep, Tony Palmer,  the information he will need to answer the question "How was it?" when it is asked at the next VBOA reps meeting.

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There were many rumours floating round that this would be the last show at Sywell, which is not quite correct. In reality, in common with the past few years, no-one knows with certainty until perhaps October.
Once the show is over, VBOA has to endure what seems to be an annual ritual by Sywell management where they keep us on tenterhooks for a couple of months before they say if and when we will be allowed to be there in 2025. Often with new rules, like the no dogs this year.
Aspects of the show get better every year as the VBOA committee, from a standing start on the move to Sywell, climbs higher up the learning curve of holding a major car show every year.
Subject to the weather, I think next year will be better than this, both in terms of the show itself and the way we approach our stand as a Club, especially with Tony Palmer 'guiding' efforts on the former and our fired up 'new ideas' team on the latter.

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First of all.   I would like to thank greyDJ ( JohnWaddell ) for everything that you have done for the club . And all the members too. Either club or personally.   I am sure everyone will agree with me.  You have done a great job and that we all appreciate it all.  Thank you John. 


So yes. 

I am becoming the Club VBOA rep.  I shall carry the torch that John has for as many years as I can. And will do what I can to continue the mission in keeping things going and improving...   Forever evolving as times go on. 

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Hi John,


I wanted to take a moment to express our collective gratitude to GreyDJ for his incredible dedication and service as our club rep for mk2cav.com over the past 15 years.


John, you've been our interface to the VBOA, handling countless issues with patience and ensuring we always had a good presence at the stands and fought for us to have a good plot. It's through your resilience  we have outlasted so many clubs that dwarfed us previously. Your commitment, even through COVID was impossible to ignore and it's was incredible how you managed to maintain your role with such dedication despite significant life events behind the scenes.


Your welcoming presence at the stand each year of Billing/Market Harborough / Sywell helped create many lasting memories and friendships. So while your transition from MK2 ownership is bittersweet, we're thrilled you’ll still be part of the club with your MK3 on stand in future. Your knowledge and advice have been invaluable, and you'll always have a place here.


I also want to thank you and the other admins for making allowances for me while I find myself working abroad these past 18 months. All this year, you have stepped up to reinvigorate our little corner of the internet, ensuring our community stays vibrant and active. When I return, I’ll be organising some more road trips, continuing to shake things up with the admins, and John, you will always be very welcome to join anything we do.


As Tony steps into your role, we are confident he will carry on with the same passion and dedication. Tony, we're excited for your fresh ideas and guidance to help our club continue evolving and thriving.


John - in recognition of your exceptional service, we are honored to grant you the title of "Honorary Lifetime Member" of MK2CAV.COM. This is a small token of our appreciation for everything you have done for the club, and we will be in touch about some merch from the online store.


Thank you for everything, John. Here’s to all the wonderful memories and to many more to come.





P.S. John has always represented us in the best light to the VBOA and site visitors, whether through technical advice on the forum or at events. His detailed posts, such as identifying mid-spec Cavaliers from factory shutdown periods and sharing maintenance tips, have been a testament to his expertise and passion for the community. I hope it continues for many years.

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Well said Tony and Andy.......awesome words, and said far better than I ever could

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Current mk2 stock: 4 LXs: white c20xe, blue & red std, blue LX parts car, blue GLi, Richies Saabilier & monaro VXR

Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV daily (joyous planet saver.....well carbon offset for the ro)

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